Saturday 21 January 2023

Through The Porthole - Day 2

Two views today - bonus! Because today is the day we make landfall at Egersund ("Aygershun")  but while we were still 60nm away, we were treated to this...

A rather spectacular sunrise to greet the day in the Eastern North Sea. 

Due to the conducive weather - calm seas, lack of wind, and relative warmth - the expedition team added two afternoon cruises on our Zodiacs for those of a more adventurous nature. Not our kind of thing at all, but even so we attended the mandatory "boat safety talk" so we're prepared for the one occasion, in a couple of days' time, when we have to be "tendered" to shore in one of them.

A chance to learn the correct way to put on and adjust our lifebelts, use a sailor's grip, and a reminder not to put on our walking spikes until we're safely ashore, so as not to puncture the boats.

Here's Nikki modelling the trendy complementary Hurtigruten expedition coat, with its velcro patch indicating our boat group ("Foxes") and its handy clear plastic window to hold the ship card with which we have to scan out when leaving the ship and scan back in on our return. The machines helpfully say "goodbye" and "welcome" to remind you which way you're going.

Today's Astronomy talk, carefully scheduled to avoid all the other many activities on board today, was all about the Polar Stars. Some familiar constellations, some new ones, and some interesting stellar objects that are only visible to the naked eye in the clear cold skies further North.

We arrived in Egersund during the talk. It was quite a shock to see buildings outside. Later this afternoon we'll be going on a walk around town, but for now all we can see is this.

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Through The Porthole - Day 16

And so, almost as if it never happened, we wake to the familiar sight of Dover Harbour, our phones reconnect to UK providers, at UK times, a...