Wednesday 10 August 2022

Proper Woollies

This trip is turning into a kind of early Christmas. Hardly a day goes by without a delivery of some sort, as Nikki munches her way through the list of cold weather clothing we need.

Today's present was a stash of Marks & Sparks Merino Woollies. Three each, because (a) we need to stay warm, and these are the warmest, (b) we need to be able to wear loads of layers, and these are the thinnest, and (c) we'll be out in all weathers, both on deck and on land, so we need to be sure of always having a clean, dry one to wear!

So far she's doing a bang-up job with all of this. I'm not the easiest to buy clothes for, being this shape. All the blokes in the adverts for these things are shaped like a V, whereas I'm more like an A (or maybe with a tendency towards O). I'm hardly unique, so you'd think the clothing peeps would cater more for people like me, but instead we have to go with the larger chest sizes to cope with my expanded midriff. On top of that, they seem to assume that blokes with big chests also have long arms (what? lol), so for much of the time anything we buy for my top half has arms that hang over my hands and make me look like the Beast from Five Thousand Fathoms or something.

Anyway, these fit very nicely thank you, so they're all now folded neatly away in the Expedition Storage, as we settle back to see what goodies tomorrow's delivery brings!

Expedition Storage (aka blanket box)

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