Wednesday 2 November 2022

Other bloggers are available

As you'll have gathered, we're rubbish at travel blogging. We don't really travel all that much, when we do we usually go to the same place, and since we've been visiting that place for more than 20 years, everything that could be said about it has been said, so it's not really suitable blog fodder.

So this blog - and this trip! - will almost certainly be a one-off for us. But there are some for whom travelling, and writing about it, is pretty much what they do. And they're much better at it than me.

Here's one from "Cruise Miss" that gives us a taster of what's in store for us next year!

Through The Porthole - Day 16

And so, almost as if it never happened, we wake to the familiar sight of Dover Harbour, our phones reconnect to UK providers, at UK times, a...